Inside you there is another you
The you inside you has a tight hold on your body that’s why your fingernails curl roundly inward, your outer ears eddying also get sucked into your body if the you inside you lets go of its tight hold on your hand probably at that moment you will not exist in this world
Your face solidifies into the same shape that the you inside you has pulled taut that face sometimes leans out into my face outside you, I feel inside your two pupils the you inside you that peers out at me but the you inside you has never let go of that tight hold on your hand you are still pulled taut your face is deeply wrinkled from enduring that tension
And the you inside you is so strong that the I inside me is about to be pulled into you
You have now drunk a glass of red wine and hold cheese in your hand
The I inside me is reminded that cheese is made of milk and then worries which cow inside cow spewed out that milk
Even if you are far away the you inside you is still here I cannot send away or avoid the you inside you
Maybe I am the hostage of an absentee
While the I inside me has a tight hold on me I too will remain alive but even so I want to dedicate to your table every morning the cheese made from the I inside me