
Nancy Bryan

Transparent green as if a leafdissolves, a glow. Sun meltsthe tree. Day lightlime, high in a Linden, leaf-spiritstwinkle and jitter. I think of my lovein the machine’s cavern whilelight from somewhere scans his body.Let the spot be a tiny overflow, a drop of leaf-light.Let it be a transparency, a scar one cannot feel,a photograph of a spotted owl, nothingdarker. The sun bends the fruit branches.Green splashes of water. One morning,the leaves lit up at the edge of our window.We watched them splash a while.Dusk now and light drains from the sky.

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Nancy Bryan’s poems are forthcoming in various journals, including Mudfish, Gravel, and Comstock Review. Nancy has taught writing for many years in the English department at Brookdale Community College and currently teaches poetry and memoir writing in their Continuing Education department. She lives in Fair Haven, New Jersey.

Issue 81

Cortland, New York

Editor Emeritus
Ginger Murchison

Christian Gullette

Poetry Editor
Anna Catone

Poetry Editor
Jennifer Wallace

Founder & Editor Emeritus
Guy Shahar

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—Doriane Laux, author of The Poet's Companion with Kim Addonizio

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—Laure-Anne Bosselaar, author of Small Gods of Grief

"The Cortland Review is one of the best online literary magazines. It got to be so the old-fashioned way: by being a consistently class act, publishing the best possible of not only established poets but also new poets, new voices. This magazine and its editors have served the art form well. That takes a great deal of work, dedication, and love. Twenty years: blink! Congratulations!"
—Thomas Lux, Bourne Chair in Poetry at Georgia Tech and author of To the Left of Time

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