A Basket to Haunt
from fish-traps and cradles to coffins, a basket can hold many things:
food / babies / love / trinkets /water/ sustenance/ bones/ burdens
/ secrets; a basket can carry shared histories forward in new ways
with old and new materials, like the carefully crafted hand-written
letters from our grandmothers in state archives; a basket can be
food / babies / love / trinkets /water/ sustenance/ bones/ burdens
/ secrets; a basket can carry shared histories forward in new ways
with old and new materials, like the carefully crafted hand-written
letters from our grandmothers in state archives; a basket can be
woven to carry the load a bit lightly — a basket can haunt.
I Weave Back to You
I tear out their words their words from these records
this shredding of words I tear out for you.
I weave your words your words from these records
this basket of words I weave back to you.