After the Funeral, at Your Favorite Gallery

Anna Newman

Outside the gallerythe squirrels cleantheir faces with theirprecise hands.I feel each toothdistinctly in my mouth,hope the pipeswill burst themselvesjust so somethingwill have happenedwhile I sat here. TomorrowI’ll read an articleand discover thingsthat seem pertinentbut aren’t—bright spotson a dwarf planet,mice who don’trespond to positivereinforcement,a rat who keepshitting a buttonno matter how high upthe pain is tuned.The moon is lidlessand wilted in the sky.The nice forks are forgotten,nestled in the backof a drawer somewhere.Outside the galleryI watch a girlask her motherfor change for the payphone.She’ll say helloto the chipper buzzof static on the otherside. I would liketo bring you forth nowplease, I would likethe corridors in the centerof myself to switch ontheir low-lightsso I can placemy feet more carefully.I’m here in personto find the imperfectplaces where the artist’shand quivered. To seethe non-facsimileversion of paintingsI still can’t touch.The girl is pacingback and forthin my mind insideher payphone booth.Her penniesare like fancy moths.The streetlight peeks inbut from an oddangle, and so she hasto turn backwards,forwards, to locatethe source of the light.

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Anna Newman holds an M.F.A. in poetry from the University of Maryland. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Best New Poets, Rattle, Poetry Northwest, [PANK], and elsewhere. She lives in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Spring/Summer 2020

Salt Lake City, Utah

Natalie Young
Nano Taggart
Katherine Indermaur

Sugar House Review is an independent, 501(c)(3) nonprofit poetry publisher based out of Utah. Our mission is to promote an eclectic range of poets through publishing and live events to build nationally connected literary communities and foster the literary arts in Utah. We are excited to be some of the first people to see your work and to help the best of that work become available to a larger audience.

Sugar House Review was founded in 2009 by John Kippen, Nano Taggart, Jerry VanIeperen, and Natalie Young. At the time, it was the only independent, print poetry journal in Utah. Our name is based on both our location and desire to publish sticky, heart-racing, sweet, sweet addictive poetry. Sugar House is a neighborhood within Salt Lake City, named after the sugar beet factory of the Deseret Manufacturing Company (1851–1855).

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