A resonant devastationexalts the spirit, and the earth will turncounter to that exaltation.Light assumes its place, fancy sternenough to promise attractionto a dust it will only spurn.The poet must think of actionat a distance, only to earna proper and skillful passion.But a singer can only learn,from the true pitch of abstraction,a power difficult to burn.Oh, such lyrical negationpays in temper, or taciturnpatterns of stringless vibration.You will go swiftly to your urnWithout a proper distraction,a state you cannot overturn.
Thirteen Quintets for Lois (excerpt)
Jay Wright
Feature Date
- December 22, 2021
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Excerpted from THIRTEEN QUINTETS FOR LOIS: by Jay Wright.
Published by Flood Editions December 6th, 2021.
Copyright © 2021 by Jay Wright.
All rights reserved.
Reproduced by Poetry Daily with permission.
Jay Wright was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico in 1934 and spent his teens in San Pedro, California, where his father worked in the shipyards. After graduating from high school, he played for two minor-league ball clubs—Mexicali and Fresno—and spent a minute in spring training with the San Diego Padres of the old Pacific Coast League. He then served three years in the army, stationed in Germany. Thanks to the G.I. Bill, he received his B.A. in comparative literature from the University of California (Berkeley) and his M.A. from Rutgers University (New Brunswick). A jazz and música Latina bassist, he lives in Bradford, Vermont.
Wright is the author of fifteen previous books of poetry, and he has written more than forty plays and a dozen essays. A fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, his honors include a Guggenheim Fellowship, a Hodder Fellowship, a Lannan Literary Award for Poetry, a MacArthur Fellowship, and the Bollingen Prize for Poetry.
Chicago, Illinois
In Thirteen Quintets for Lois, Jay Wright has found both form and structure to intertwine aspects of music, logic, number theory, and philosophy in a wide-ranging, exhilarating harmony. With rhymes providing a ceremonial dimension, the poems read at times like those of a playful and lyrical Parmenides in their meditations on being and grace.
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