Plague Nights (excerpt)

G. C. Waldrep

Night 547Silence pasturesgreat wounds here.Aquinasis one of them.At the celestialthresholdof movementa dignity, pretense.Pretendto spirit. To thememorial noon, ohalf-impoverishment.Silenceparts the ruin,for you it seems.You stepinto the wound,its consentingchoir.Its elegant organswith almostvisiblechords, remarkthem.Its metric idlenessso shapelyit could neverbe an animal.

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G.C. Waldrep’s most recent books are The Earliest Witnesses (Tupelo/Carcanet, 2021) and feast gently (Tupelo, 2018), winner of the William Carlos Williams Award from the Poetry Society of America. Recent work has appeared in American Poetry Review, Poetry, Paris Review, Ploughshares, New England Review, Yale Review, The Nation, New American Writing, Conjunctions, and other journals. Waldrep lives in Lewisburg, Pa., where he teaches at Bucknell University.

Cover of Triquarterly Summer/Fall 2022

Summer/Fall 2022

Evanston, Illinois

Northwestern University

Poetry Editor
Daniel Fliegel

Managing Editor
Joshua Bohnsack

Assistant Managing Editor
Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya

TriQuarterly is the literary magazine of Northwestern University. It is edited by students in the Litowitz MFA+MA Graduate Creative Writing Program and the MFA in Prose and Poetry in the School of Professional Studies. Alumni of these programs and other readers also serve as editorial staff. Available around the world, TriQuarterly has remained "an international journal of writing, art, and cultural inquiry. TQ has created an online archive of its own history by publishing individual works from its past, sometimes with new accompanying comments by the writers. The Northwestern University Library has digitized the entire history of the journal.

As a web journal, TQ has the capacity to add audio, video, and a variety of new and frequently uploaded content to supplement its schedule of publishing issues twice a year. 

In 1958, the "tri-quarterly" was so named because its original form as a student magazine was published in each of the three quarters of Northwestern's academic year, and not in the fourth quarter, summer. This name has been belied at times by the magazine's real publishing schedule, but now TQ has altered the tradition quite deliberately to one of semi-annual publishing of discrete issues and frequent updating with new reviews, interviews, blog posts, and excerpts from longer works. And for the first time, new writing published in this journal can be read everywhere there is web access.

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