You are a charactermade entirely of desire.I don’t want a caror a career or even a housewith a flight of stairsnecessarily.I would like to live, though.The most unattainable commodity: a plotwith no last page. You’re very abstract.Blue growths and blue fieldson a canvas. Of Joan Mitchell’sLes Bluets, Lydia Davis wrotethat in her confrontation ofmarks seemingly without symbol,she understood she couldn’t understand.And that was a revelation.When I look at the painting I thinkI’m seeing Mitchellas she builds her own seeing,closely and carefully, trialand error. Which is how I makemyself. Reanimatinga memory by movingback and forth over it untilthe familiar accumulatesinto the unrecognizable.You’ll probably never meet me.We never seethe same thing twice.
Dear Future Me (#11)
Feature Date
- December 16, 2022
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Copyright © 2022 by Lena Moses-Schmitt.
All rights reserved.
Reproduced by Poetry Daily with permission.
Summer 2022
Washington, Pennsylvania
Washington & Jefferson College
Editor-in-Chief / Executive Director
George David Clark
Managing Editor
Elisabeth Clark
Printed twice a year (in July and December) and distributed internationally with subscribers in over twenty countries, each issue includes 32 shorter poems. This minimalist focus has fostered an intimate and intensive reading experience since 2002, when Deborah Ager and John Poch founded the journal as an alternative to larger and less-selective literary magazines.
In its fifteen years, 32 Poems has showcased many of the most-recognized poets writing in English, including Pulitzer Prize, National Book Award, and MacArthur Genius Grant winners, Poets Laureate, and recipients of the other major honors in American letters.
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