Poem with Bleating Heart

Robert Wood Lynn

Once again it is fall all around usthere are sports teams prayingfor god to smite their opponentswhich you know I love like I lovethe idea of god walking dripless outof the ocean a monster no one can besure is here to protect or destroyour seaside cities and I love that we canscream whatever we want knowingit can be fixed later in the subtitlesand I love the scrub pine for lookingexactly how it sounds and I lovememory for continuing to be the pastwith a leak in it somehow I love youa little better every day surprised by iteach morning the way I am alwayssurprised by how goats make the soundof drunks making goat noises

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Robert Wood Lynn is a writer from Virginia. His debut poetry collection Mothman Apologia (Yale University Press) was named a Best Book of 2022 by the New York Times and the New York Public Library. His chapbook How to Maintain Eye Contact is out from Button Poetry in early 2023. Winner of the Yale Younger Poets Prize and the Kate Tufts Discovery Award, his writing has appeared or is forthcoming in American Poetry Review, Ploughshares, Poetry Magazine, New Ohio Review and other journals, as well as been included in the Southern Poetry Anthology: Virginia. A 2023 NEA Creative Writing Fellow, he splits his time between in Rockbridge County, Virginia and Brooklyn, New York, where he co-hosts the DGN Reading Series.

Spring 2023

Rob MacDonald

Associate Editor
Jaime Zuckerman

Sixth Finch is an online journal of poetry and art, founded in 2008 and updated quarterly.

Poems in Sixth Finch have appeared in Best of the Net, The Best American Poetry, Bettering American Poetry and The Pushcart Prize.

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