I don’t want the sting of someone with a historylike my own. I don’t want the other half of my knuckle bone.The beloved is elastic, a switch for another shore,my face on both sides of the drachma.If only a god’s tongue has no beginning or end,what of the bones scored for the bonfire to read?Even when I was young, I could move thingswith my mind, wanted to be imperviousto fire, though now I love the days I scorchmy wrist & breath spasms in my throat,telling me I am here in my 24th year& joy is blistered before it is peeled.Joy is pickling in a clay pot in the backyard,brine smuggled from the mainland,delicious because it smacks of what is left behind.I seek bloodless pleasures. This cannot be impossible;I am not comfortable with the question.The potted flowers droop like the eye of the first boywho wanted me—when he took me into the closet,I saw the veil you speak of—& just behind it,a girl dragging her spear like a steel tail.Then I woke with all my hands & feet.& to God knows where, I ran.
Feature Date
- October 18, 2023
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Copyright © 2023 by Kathryn Hargett-Hsu.
All rights reserved.
Reproduced by Poetry Daily with permission.
Kathryn Hargett-Hsu 徐凯蒂 is the author of The Skin is a Warm Coat (2024), winner of the Frontier Poetry Breakthrough Chapbook Contest. She is Senior Poetry Fellow at Washington University in St. Louis. Born and raised in Alabama, she is the recipient of fellowships from Kundiman, Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, the Bucknell Seminar for Undergraduate Poets, and the Mendocino Coast Writers Conference. Most recently, she received the Academy of American Poets Prize and the Lynda Hull Memorial Prize. Find her in Poetry Daily, Best New Poets, Pleiades, swamp pink, Sixth Finch, Arts & Letters, Muzzle Magazine, The Margins, Hayden’s Ferry Review, TaiwaneseAmerican.org, The Adroit Journal, and elsewhere.
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