Country Song (Memory of Rain)

Sofija Popovska
Translated from the Macedonian

Eyes are difficult because they’re teeth;Sometimes rich and gleaming, gliding through a gilded feast,Wrapped in violent red velvet, and luxurious dead ends;(But I love the) murky, melancholic, playing matted music, looking over barren fields—Fields are difficult because they’re handsKnots and rivers laying over eyes.Blue smell of rain and dirt—veins smell like the skies split open, like the road behind slipping into the past.Fingertips smell like a promise—Ten thousand graves sigh at once;A bruise is a promised haunting.“Come, just this once,” I ask, disingenuously. I mean “a thousand times.”Bruises disappear into the past and a promise draws near.An open grave plays the memory of rain when handled gently. The earth smells like fingertips on eyelids—a homeland rough and transient.Heathens love the rain like I love the shadow of your eyelashes over freckles and undiscovered celestial bodies.The sky splits open and veins cascade down nostalgically.The road behind disappears into bruised earth, into ten thousand graves. I come to you, bringing a memory of rain.

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Headshot of ofija Popovska

Sofija Popovska is a poet, translator, and essayist currently based in Germany. She works as an editor-at-large at Asymptote Journal and her other work can be found at Context: Review for Comparative Literature and Cultural Research, Tint Journal, GROTTO Journal, and Farewell Transmission, among others.

Cover for Grotto Journal

Issue 2

New York, New York

Cofounding Editor
PJ Lombardo

Cofounding Editor
Maxwell Rabb

Grotto is a journal of surrealist-grotesque poetics. 

Human life on this planet is monstrous (inseparable from both beauty and horror). Grotto exists against the demands of shame: which degrades art-life and sabotages the sincerity required to render heaven on earth. 

Living with metamorphic garbage is the only peace. 

The surrealist-grotesque is a horizon. When land and air meet, a brink derives, where birds fire their softest songs. What we mean is: we want anything that flies. 

This is a poetry journal; however, we will consider narrative-leaning-prose-poems, lyric micro-essays, apophatic flash, etc. as long as the surreal and the grotesque are evernear. 

Love each other, throb in the flora, 

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