A Shuffle in the Woods

Idris Anderson

When we have shuffled off this mortall coyle.

                                                 Hamlet 3.1.67

Not so easy as you say. Choosing the time,
before it’s too late, even if you’re no coward.
Compos mentis essential. We have heard the chimes
at midnight, mother. The bell beating one.
Shuffle in the tower. Ghost at the doorstep
whispering. Come. Go. Which is it?Go, go, go, my mother chanted in half-light,
my fingers pressing the dropper’s bulb.
Morphine, you, you faulty elixir. Drowning
in her lungs, slowly, nauseous, too awake,
breathless except her exhalations: Go. Go. Go.
Her persistent insistence. I listenedlate night into morning, I went shuffling
to the next room, fell into a darkness, woke
to her coughless coughing. An airless tomb.
A coil of phlegm around her throat, a coil
of breath strangling her. That murderer.
Days later, desperate to live—blessed the hourshe died—not a feather moving. In the bathroom
mirror, I saw only myself: wise, romantic,
vainly thinking Severn, Keats, absorbed
by my own clear image. What would I do
that I had not done for her? Consider
not too carefully, yield like a swan to itsinging as I eat the potion. This is my body.
What is to be? Forget why and wherefore.
A maze, a moonlit path, a wolf, no crumbs.
How at last to sit, lean, lie down as if to sleep.
Could I risk looking at the trees?
Readiness is not all. A shuffle in the woods.

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Idris Anderson’s second collection of poems, Doubtful Harbor, was selected by Sherod Santos for the Hollis Summers Prize of Ohio University Press and was published in 2018. Her first collection, Mrs. Ramsay’s Knee, was selected by Harold Bloom for the May Swenson Poetry Award and published by Utah State University Press. She has held a number of grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities to study lyric poetry with Helen Vendler at Harvard, Greek tragedy at Stanford, and Virginia Woolf in London.

Michigan Quarterly Review

Fall 2018

Ann Arbor, Michigan

University of Michigan

Khaled Mattawa

Poetry Editor
Carlina Duan

Managing Editor
Aaron J. Stone

Michigan Quarterly Review is an interdisciplinary and international literary journal, combining distinctive voices in poetry, fiction, and nonfiction, as well as works in translation. Our work extends online as well, where we publish cultural commentary alongside reviews and interviews with writers, artists, and cultural figures around the world. The flagship literary journal of the University of Michigan, our magazine embraces creative urgency and cultural relevance, aiming to challenge conventions and address long-overdue conversations. As we continue to promote an expansive and inclusive vision, we seek work from established and emerging writers with diverse aesthetics and experiences.

Twice a year, we curate an array of perspectives on a single theme. Past special issues have included writing on the Flint Water Crisis, the Great Lakes, Greece, China, and Caregiving.

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