The gospel of the journey is realizingthat eating is a political act,that the Woodstock of the mindis everywhere on a tiny planet like ours,that the inventory of the bodyis equivalent tothe trauma that comes fromcrop-dust in our eyes,carcinogens in the crotches of our panties,black women doing the maththat put white men on the moon.And there are alwaysmore questions for consideration—like admitting that it’s hard to tell who’s shootingwhile we’re praying with our eyes closed.
Anti-Chlorinated Feminism
Rosemarie Dombrowski
Feature Date
- October 11, 2021
- What Sparks Poetry
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Copyright © 2017 by Rosemarie Dombrowski.
All rights reserved.
Reproduced by Poetry Daily with permission.

Rosemarie Dombrowski is the inaugural Poet Laureate of Phoenix, AZ and the founding editor of both rinky dink press (a publisher of micro-poetry) and The Revolution (Relaunch), an award-winning, creative resurgence of the official newspaper of the National Woman’s Suffrage Association. She’s published three collections of poetry including The Cleavage Planes of Southwest Minerals [A Love Story], winner of the 2017 Split Rock Review chapbook competition. She’s the recipient of an Arts Hero Award, a Women in Philanthropy Grant, and Fellowships from the Lincoln Center for Applied Ethics and the Academy of American Poets. In 2020, she founded Revisionary Arts, a therapeutic poetry nonprofit. She teaches courses on literature of the marginalized and medical poetry at Arizona State University.

March 2017
Lubbock, Texas
Brandon Beck
Poetry Editor
Matt Stefon
West Texas Literary Review is a national print literary journal, founded in 2016, that showcases the work of writers and photographers across the United States and the world. Its goal is simple: to provide a forum for artists who have something to say. We are looking for poems, flash fiction, essays, and photographs that are thoughtful, deliberate, and authentic. Beyond that, there are no strict requirements. All of our content comes from submissions, which we evaluate blindly based purely on aesthetic merit. We have published the work of many established voices but we are just as thrilled to elevate first-time writers.
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