
Michael Bowden

Another April morning,and here we are again,standing in blossom.Snow off the mountains.Indictments dismissed.The geometry of sunlighton backyard fences.Sparrows in the bird bathat their slapstick ablutions.All of it familiar.All of it comfort.Let the record showSally sprinting and barkingalong the bright alley.Quail like courtiersin their feathered hats.Payback forgotten.Trespasses forgiven.And, yes, the whole day left.

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Photo of Michael Bowden

Michael Bowden is a poet, and retired schoolteacher, who lives in Sierra Vista, Arizona. Common Uproar, his debut poetry collection—published in 2020 by Concrete Wolf Press—was the 2019 winner of the Louis Award. A recipient of a Pushcart Prize, he has published lyric and prose poetry in a wide variety of journals and anthologies.

Cover of Southern Poetry Review Issue 58:2


Savannah, Georgia

 James Smith

Associate Editor
 Tony Morris

Southern Poetry Review is the second oldest poetry journal in the region, with its origins in Florida and subsequent moves to North Carolina and now Georgia. Continuing the tradition of editorial openness and response to writers that began with Guy Owen in 1958, SPR publishes poems from all over the country as well as from abroad and maintains a worldwide readership. Past issues feature work from Chana Bloch, Billy Collins, Alice Friman, David Hernandez, Andrew Hudgins, Maxine Kumin, Heather McHugh, Sue William Silverman, R. T. Smith, Eric Trethewey, and Cecilia Woloch.

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