polonius is alive, fortinbras is alive, king hamletis smearing on beard oil still buttressing the worldwhen i find ophelia bored as shit floating on her back in the apartment complex pool.her nose is tinging red & her hair’s a sunburst& i’m like, where’d you get your swimsuit? i’ve beenlooking for one with flowers but they’re all tacky dayglow.she’s all, ugh that means a lot my boyfriend’s being a total drag today & no one’s stabbed anyone yetor feigned madness — it’s normal boy stuff like he clogged her garbage disposal.in this world ophelia finds the perfect Bible study group & starts painting her toenails emerald & i tell her how the first girl i lovedmarried a cop last april & the last girl i lovedwas a sagittarius you know what i mean.in this world we take fencing lessons at the y& talk about ghosts like maybe they don’t existi guess today i’m bitter about the separate worldswe really got. my mind keeps ambling back to [amy coney barrett]i’m scared i want to write a happy poem. about flowers.about me and ophelia buzzing our hair & screaming down backroads to mannequin pussy.we’re hanging our heads out the windows we will nevercrash the car the muggy air curtsies all around us.but i can’t stop meeting ophelia. i can’t stop meeting her. every violet here withers.
be all yr sins remembered
Casey Smith
Feature Date
- August 24, 2021
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Copyright © 2021 by Casey Smith.
All rights reserved.
Reproduced by Poetry Daily with permission.

Casey Smith is an MFA candidate at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. She is an assistant poetry editor at Grist Journal. Her poems have been published in Split Lip Magazine, Underblong, Longleaf Review, Passages Northand others. Her professional website can be found at https://caseysmithpoet.wixsite.com/home.

Volume: 7 Issue: 1
Hannah Dow
Poetry Editors
Threa Almontaser
Geramee Hensley
Emily Wolahan
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