Please be with me great free animals. I want to bewith you great being of light. Please see me greatnobody nobody nobody hell animals trying to goto helpful keepers of the knowledge try to goto the place in the mud that is where I try to livein peace great mud of this great kissing lovingearth lovely messy yucky in mud on my face ifkissing mother loving me is the great animalthat is named Hannah. Please greet me inthe mud it is great mess please go to ohthe bucket to get the water to try to makemore mud yes. Please try to get the mudhelpful to you if you become mud too.Please get that great animals are allautistic. Please love poets we are the firstautistics. Love this secret no one knows it.
Becoming Mud
Hannah Emerson
Feature Date
- March 17, 2022
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From The Kissing of Kissing by Hannah Emerson (Minneapolis: Milkweed Editions, 2022).
Copyright © 2022 by Hannah Emerson.
Reprinted with permission from Milkweed Editions.

Zan Emerson
Zan Emerson
Hannah Emerson is a nonspeaking autistic poet and the author of The Kissing of Kissing, published as a part of Milkweed’s Multiverse series. Her work has been featured in Poetry, The Nation, BOMB Magazine, the Poetry Society of America, Literary Hub, and the Brooklyn Rail. She lives in Lafayette, New York.

Minneapolis, Minnesota
In this remarkable debut, which marks the beginning of Multiverse—a literary series written and curated by the neurodivergent—Hannah Emerson’s poems keep, dream, bring, please, grownd, sing, kiss, and listen. They move with and within the beautiful nothing (“of buzzing light”) from which, as she elaborates, everything jumps.
In language that is both bracingly new and embracingly intimate, Emerson invites us to “dive down to the beautiful muck that helps you get that the world was made from the garbage at the bottom of the universe that was boiling over with joy that wanted to become you you you yes yes yes.” These poems are encounters—animal, vegetal, elemental—that form the markings of an irresistible future. And The Kissing of Kissing makes joyously clear how this future, which can sometimes seem light-years away, is actually as close, as near, as each immersive now. It finds breath in the woods and the words and the worlds we share, together “becoming burst becoming / the waking dream.”
With this book, Emerson, a nonspeaking autistic poet, generously invites you, the reader, to meet yourself anew, again, “to bring your beautiful nothing” into the light.
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