Black-Capped Chickadee: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Adam Clay

                                                           after Tracy K. Smith

I hear its song before I see it,know it’s here in the forestbefore it knows I’m hereor maybe my ear dragssomething larger, somethingheavier from the sky to mybrain seeking its sense? Whateverburns out also sings out, makesa noise I stir like a fire now as audibleas the color of chalk or a thoughtthat taunts dully before sleep. Becausethey fly, the birds strike bordersin the sky we can’t see. I’ll returnto this moment later in life dozensof times. The heat of the daygristles and glistens to light.

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Adam Clay

Adam Clay’s latest collection is To Make Room for the Sea (Milkweed Editions, 2020). He edits Mississippi Review and directs the Center for Writers at the University of Southern Mississippi.

Cover of Bennington Review Issue Ten

Issue 10

Bennington, Vermont

Bennington College

Michael Dumanis

Managing Editor
Katrina Turner

Bennington Review is a national biannual print journal of innovative, intelligent, and moving poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and film writing, housed at Bennington College.

Fifty years after its original founding and thirty years after its last issue, in 1985, Bennington Review has resumed publication, with poet Michael Dumanis as Editor.

We intend to reinforce the value of the bound print journal as an intimate, curated cultural space in which a reader can encounter and experience new work with a degree of immersion not wholly possible through other media. We hope to bring together writing that is as playful as it is probing, that simultaneously makes lasting intellectual and emotional connections with a reader. Bennington Review aims to contribute distinctive style and substance to the national literary conversation through publishing sharp, unexpected, original poetry and prose from a geographically broad and culturally rich spectrum of prominent, up-and-coming, and new voices.

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