Why worship whiteness always, what virtuein that candor, what quality? Facealways the same, same turning awaywhen you turn, same singular routinehypothesis: one man in one posture, one worldlike a relief map of the world. When he turnsyou are turning from the summary glance, a littlelight captured in the momentary retina, butreversed. Forget the long discussions of the soulyou might have held while weeks fell into winter,forget the death of Socrates, a paper cup of wisdomspilled on linoleum. In Hesiod’s Theogony, I’m told,the Muses say, We are capable of making lies soundtrue, but we can also tell the truth. You wanderlike a blind cat through your night, firstidea of sky which weather only contradicts. Headlightsand streetlights shadowbox across the shades: you toowill never touch. How many nightshave you maintained pale skin nothing mars(walking out past three A.M. to be convinced the truecan become beautiful), until a sleepless dawnallows for no more stars and allegories? Algol,Regulus, Altair, Rigel and Betelgeuse, the lightslesser and great with Arabic or Latin names, whiteluminosities. That man and his blond cowlick live alonein paradise with a forecast of light rain, a tenementof token clouds against a tarp of blue felicities. Downfrom the Great Rif to barrier reef, the snowgoes where it will, and when. (I have come from goingto and fro in the earth, and from walking up and downin it, but I have come.) Your winter steals the signalflesh and ruins it, leaves limbs at broken angleson the slope and green bottle glasssmashed into the speckled pavement: a sheer wasteof transparencies laid over midnight. It keepsa flawed reflection of the sky, constellationspast the tree line blurred by the walkingstreetlights home. The glassed-in contradictions keeptheir distance, but they keep. (You made your myth, now liein it.) The body stiffens as it wakes, sheathed by a coldwindow left open, the recurring dream of glaciers, lyingin its mirror. Open your hand and let it go, zerodown to less than that, and then less than what’s left.That’s you. The snow begins as clouds and endsas any water. Navy, royal, azo, aquamarineand indigo: I’ve drowned too many nightsin blue. Even historical weathers leave a trace.
Black Ice on Green Dolphin Street
Feature Date
- July 26, 2024
- Editor's Choice
Selected By
- Brian Teare
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“Black Ice on Green Dolphin Stree” from The Selected Shepherd selected by Jericho Brown © 2024. All rights are controlled by the University of Pittsburgh, PA 15260. Used by permission of the University of Pittsburgh Press.
Poet and editor Reginald Shepherd was born in New York City and grew up in the Bronx. He earned a BA from Bennington College and studied at Brown University and the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. His first collection, Some Are Drowning (1994), won the Associated Writing Program’s Award in Poetry; his fourth, Otherhood (2003), was a finalist for the Lenore Marshall Poetry Prize; and his last book, Fata Morgana (2007), won a Silver Medal in the Florida Book Awards. Shepherd’s work is known for its elegance, beauty, and critical acumen. As Ron Silliman wrote in a tribute to Shepherd, who died in 2008 in Pensacola, Florida, “Shepherd took from all schools and created something entirely his own.” Shepherd was the author of a book of essays, Orpheus in the Bronx: Essays on Identity, Politics, and the Freedom of Poetry (2008), and the editor of two anthologies, The Iowa Anthology of New American Poetries (2004) and Lyric Postmodernisms (2008). He was also an active blogger, helping to shape an emerging forum for poetics.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
University of Pittsburgh
"The Selected Shepherd is a very welcome arrival that may encourage readers to re-discover an award-winning, fiercely intelligent poet, anthologist, and critic."
—The Gay and Lesbian Review
"In an age when poets often vanish from larger cultural memory shortly after their last breath, this selected compendium, published fifteen years after Shepherd’s passing, is a true feat of treasure and salvage, ensuring that one of the most vibrant and charged voices of our young twenty-first century stays alive."
—Ocean Vuong, author of Time is a Mother and On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous
"The extraordinary Reginald Shepherd remains both a tidal force and an enigmatic planet in contemporary poetry and in legendary Pitt Poetry Series editor Ed Ochester’s vast constellation of stars. The brilliant Jericho Brown has distilled Shepherd’s magnificence—a style born of the Bronx, rural Georgia, Iowa City, Eliot’s Waste Land, and Orpheus’s underworld—to a dynamic, essential volume. The Pitt Poetry Series is proud to present this landmark compilation."
—Terrance Hayes, author of So to Speak and coeditor, Pitt Poetry Series
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