A story told this many times becomes the forest.No beginning, no end, no longer a narrative but the airwe breathe. For centuries, a woman with a namerises from her sleep—becomes a tree—rains back downagain into her rest. One myth for how poetry began:a man, reaching. Violence. Myth: Apollo finds the treeinside of a woman. Apollo translates fingers into leaves,hears a voice and calls it wind. I am not interested in Apollo.I am interested in the father-god who could not stopthe rape but could turn his daughter into a tree— what kind of power is that, and how does it still river through our world? Why does nobody ask these questions? I carry more keys than I need. Walking home from the library late, I thread silver teeth through my fist. I am not a tree, and I am asking.
Daphne Pursued by Apollo
Feature Date
- December 6, 2020
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Copyright © 2020 by Sophia Stid
All rights reserved.
Reproduced by Poetry Daily with permission.
Sophia Stid is a poet from California. She is the Ecotone Postgraduate Fellow at UNC Wilmington and a recent graduate of the MFA program at Vanderbilt University, where she studied poetry and theology. She is the winner of the 2019 Witness Literary Award in Poetry, and has received fellowships from the Bucknell Seminar for Younger Poets, Sewanee Writers’ Conference, and the Collegeville Institute. Recent poems can be found in Image, Pleiades, Rattle, and The Cincinnati Review.
Find more information here: https://www.sophiastid.com/
Issue 19, Fall 2020
New York, New York
Ross White
Managing Editor
C. Brynn Downing
Assistant Poetry Editors
Conor Bracken
Taylor Brunson
Nandi Comer
Lauren Miner
Keith S. Wilson
Four Way Review is an online, triannual electronic journal from non-profit, independent press Four Way Books. In addition to our three yearly issues, we post new poems, stories, or interviews each month. We publish poetry and fiction from both established and emerging authors through our open submissions process. In 2012, we celebrated the Review‘s inaugural issue and, in 2018, the 25th anniversary of Four Way Books.
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