Eunuch of Industry

Rosie Stockton

I’ve got some human requirementshornet, injury, toothbrush.technologyinvented my need and I doI need against scheduleslodging my hungerfor youand cement sound.what if we kissedin the Amazon locker?crude oil massage, your hand lotionon my choke pointsyour most fresh sacrificeboxed like Blue Apronthere’s no time to eatrotting in a stoop’s trucks and networkscan be so lonesome, so owned.& I am alone tonight,trying to remember thatwe don’t wantwhat we think we want.O Plato my PlatoI’m calling off our sessionsI’m blocking your image& of all your shadowswhat about the shadowtheir chains cast?

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Photo of Rosie Stockton

Rosie Stockton is a poet based in Los Angeles. Their first book, Permanent Volta, is the recipient of the 2019 Sawtooth Prize. Their poems have been published by Publication Studio, VOLT, Jubilat, Apogee, Mask Magazine, and WONDER. They are currently a Ph.D. Student in Gender Studies at UCLA.

"A paean to the disruptive power of queer desire, Rosie Stockton’s rhapsodic debut, Permanent Volta, embodies a poetics of the swerve, of switch life beyond butch and femme, where we inhabit, kaleidoscopically, the pleasure-pains of Eros’s excesses. We are hailed, are beckoned by, Stockton’s visionary imperatives: ‘it’s time / for love / in the time / of dollar store cutlery.’ We torque to find a way to love under late-capitalism, awash in the luxurious bliss of Permanent Volta, with Stockton as our humble guide."
—Jackie Wang

"Brainy, bratty, witty, libidinal, vulnerable, this book is a ‘bad sub,’ a queer comrade you can trust to show up on the front lines of resistance."
—Brian Teare

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