Take a strip of white paper, turnthe top of the strip in your right hand soit faces the floor, then glue the ends togetherIf you go along on the outside, it seemsI am not connected to you. I’m tryingto think now if it has to be white paperCan it show some light through?
Mei-mei Berssenbrugge
Feature Date
- January 6, 2020
- What Sparks Poetry
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Copyright © 1983 by Mei-mei Berssenbrugge
All rights reserved.
Reproduced by Poetry Daily with permission.
Kelly Writers House staff
Kelly Writers House staff
"A single long, exquisitely crafted metaphysical poem about the enigmas of love, silence, the physical world, and human error, about the paradoxical spaces between them, about the ways light speaks to shadow. Most of all, it is about how the creative imagination breathes and thrives.... The effect is dazzling."
—Brent Morris, American Poetry Association Newsletter
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