We were strangersnonetheless there we were againthis time at a make-up swim classfor our little children a chanceencounter she from Sacramento butI learned that later first it wasthe baby in her hands anotherDecember baby and was itdifficult having him I asked the waynew mothers like soldierscan talk so comfortably aboutbodies and how about yoursshe asked her first was namedthe same as my second our firststogether in the water becomingless afraid of floating andout of the blue I saidit was a relief to find out my secondwas a boy I was at homewith that energy she saidme too I was surrounded bydad and brother energy as a childI said me too my mom leftshe said mine left when I was sevenI said mine left when I was tenand there we were before partingagain the strangers we werethis time and she saidI just want to be so present for themand I said yes completelyand I thought about it laterthe mystery of it how we’d bothon a random Tuesdaybeen able to recognize ourselvesright there in the water
Feature Date
- June 3, 2022
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Copyright © 2022 by Rachel Bennett.
All rights reserved.
Reproduced by Poetry Daily with permission.

Rachel J. Bennett is the author of the poetry collection Mothers & Other Fairytales, forthcoming from Word Works Books in 2023. Other titles include On Rand McNally’s World and Game, poetry chapbooks from dancing girl press. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in BOAAT, Gigantic Sequins, LEVELER, Ninth Letter, Prelude, Sixth Finch, Salt Hill, Sycamore Review, Verse Daily, and Vinyl, among others.She studied at Grinnell College, at Trinity College Dublin through the University of Iowa’s Irish Writing Program, and in Ecuador. She grew up on the Illinois-Iowa border and lives in New York City.
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