[how \ long is the letter i]

Inna Krasnoper

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Dirk Skiba

Inna Krasnoper is a poet and artist living in Berlin. She received a BA in “Dance, Context, Choreography” from UdK Berlin and studied at the School of Engaged Art by “Chto Delat” Collective. Inna locates her practice at the interstices of movement & writing, developing visual and verbal aspects of the poetry, working with performance and installation. She is an author of two video-poetry pieces: “in other words”, “fol-lo-w-ing the voice”. Publications in English (and multilingually) include: SAND Journal, Ghost Proposal, Pocket Samovar, Slanted House Zine, Oversound, Dvoetochie, and stadtsprachen magazin. Her first book of Russophone poetry came out in 2021 at Voznesensky Center.


Nora Claire Miller

Kelly Clare
Alyssa Moore

Ghost Proposal is a journal and press founded in 2012. We publish work that transcends or sits outside of traditional notions of genre. We are especially interested in visual poetry, intermedia work, concrete poetry, essays, video poems, translation, hybrid forms, new media, hypertext works, poetry games, sound, and poetry in the expanded field.

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