I am raising a daughter
a nation
a knife
the animal nuzzled my neck
it drew blood & in the blood
across my chest spelled an animal language it took
a life to learn
In the closet I girled into a demon
[a woman with a girldemon in her belly]
& the devil whispered—
As a mother I’ve realized, too late, it was
memory, where could I have learned sex-
ualization unless it was carved
into the closets of the girl I’ve buried
I memorized every letter of the bible
& still I hurt & still the wound bleeds
I am raising a wasp’s nest
a sharp organ
a sting that won’t retract
I’ve ripped her from the humid biome of insects
caressing our bellies & fed her thickened milk
I am raising a stake to the fat heart
The night she fevered toward the otherworld
Mama I can’t do this & I commanded Yes you can
I am raising a warrior
When a man
ungauzed the woundgirl the girlwound
the sticky rot place inside
I wouldn’t let her see me falling apart
The daughter holds an ostrich feather to her mouth
& from her lips flower truths
[blooming toward everyone with ears] they sow
eggs in their palms & when they hatch
only the blood
of girls unbelieved
we know our calling
We came upon the ghostflowered grave[less]
plaque for the girl our city calls Victoria
whose mother & her mother’s beasts
undid the one creature in this world
God decreed she keep safe
I see Victoria in every field in every open space
remade in God’s image as if her methed-out mother
had never vultured her girlbody, petal by petal—
Victoria visits me some nights & tells me she’s
slaying beasts in the otherplace where the girlwounds
arrive for healing
She shows me her map
& promises to lead me there someday too
I am raising a dead girl
a voice
a voice
a voice
a voice
Hush. Victoria is singing. Can you hear
her knifeflower song?