a silence will have yet been spokenprior to the saying, its time, language and its metaphors,the ghastly potions, the wondrous ones, the neutral,one silence intercalated / between one, ibid and none,away past- or pre- its mission to obsequence,the celebration terribly,offering of an archangel anchoredor malediction, diction with descendents,prior yet to that silenceand prior to prior, meaning its image, ideya, and deposit-wandering textile, interwoven,lunation to lunation, of tough ropeor interjecture and lunacy pre-natal(cleavage and/or // yeow womb of i-ambs).
Or in my arms. Trying not to fly out in space or water. The silence that is most assertably my mother tongue. Ore and oar. Then learning English. Space trepidly expandable. To mouth “unison” (ouch).