Even the Farsi translation, the barely legibleprint beneath each calligraphed line callsfor translation. How scholarly she is at ten,squatting cross-legged, hunched overthe book of spells she spreads daily on her knees.Thou shalt not touch the verses.With the full length of her arm she turnseach page from one corner of the magic worldto the next, careful not to scare the sacred,the gilded accents, little blades suspended,twinkling over the cursive script.Thou shalt not recite in a foreign tongue.She loves the Arab tongue of God, she loves her lipssliced with surahs, the consonants he thruststo the back of her throat, the long vowelshe sustains on her breath. Her incantations soar,her white chador a floating tent sownsunny with daisies beaming with childhood.She pauses to drink at the turquoise bank:the hand-painted margin of the page hemsher faith and brims with embossed blossoms.Then dervishlike, rocking with each sibylline versethat rises out of her pliant throat, she is the reverberatingmasjid dome, poised over her paisley janamaz,birds of praise come nesting, they come cooing, darting out and into her chador.Each surah, the utterly incomprehensiblespell she incants from her proud minaret, her cupped handsan invitation for God to join her, dancewith her on the naked waters of her childhood.Before long, dancing, too, shall be forbidden.
Intoxicated by Verses
Feature Date
- December 30, 2023
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“Intoxicated by Verses” from WHEN YOUR SKY RUNS INTO MINE: by Rooja Mohassessy.
Published by Elixir Press in February 2023.
Copyright © 2023 by Rooja Mohassessy.
All rights reserved.
Reproduced by Poetry Daily with permission.

Rooja Mohassessy is an Iranian-born poet and educator. She is a MacDowell Fellow and an MFA graduate of Pacific University, Oregon. Her debut collection When Your Sky Runs Into Mine (Feb 2023) was the winner of the 22nd Elixir Poetry Award. Rooja has been featured on NPR, The Hive Poetry Collective, and other poetry podcasts and radio stations. Rooja serves as an editorial assistant at Prairie Schooner.
“When Your Sky Runs Into Mine is a stunning debut collection … about personal revolution, the turning toward art in times of suffering, the claiming of a rich cultural heritage.”
—Ellen Bass, author of Indigo
“Rooja Mohassessy’s debut collection belies any notion of a first book. It is a work of expansive vision and formal achievement, sounding an assured and unforgettable voice in poetry. “
—Shara McCallum, author of No Ruined Stone
"Mohassessy’s intellectual power and penchant for image stand out in beautiful ways in this debut collection. She displays a painterly use of color, texture, and image that reflects her striking awareness of the physical world. Her capacity for efficient and elegant syntax and her fierce intelligence when dealing with political subjects and subjects of the female body in this world, constitute a most welcome addition to American poetry. This is a very impressive debut collection by a most promising poet.”
—Kwame Dawes, author of UnHistory with John Kinsella
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