With a line from Wole Soyinka’s“Muhammad Ali at the Ringside, 1985”soon the house levelsdown in music but wetarry. the enchantment isover, but the spell remains.have your fill, earth, ofthe pillars that neverbolt free as it burns down. allthe ghosts & shadows have moredepth as you finger the runeof the nail print ona god’s crucified palm& a touch isn’t enoughto extend all the edgesof knowing, but a touchis all we have. the lintelhas nothing to do with theruin. ilé ọba ťójó . . .the palace rattlesor wilts in a fire . . .depending on the messagein the smoke, the forerunnerof light or carnage,of us, circling as toldby no voice, but it was clearenough: hunger’s clean platterscratched but unscathed,spun by our gut worms. . . ẹwà ľóbùsi. may ruinalchemize into glorywe circle like thosemen who mounted the bricksfor Babel, Tell es-Sultan,Pompeii, Twin Towers, everywall. we don’t circle likethe vultures & bats. but realland animals who still feelthe tremor in ourbuckled hooves, our shins &Achilles tendon with theirlyre. the strings do no damagesave the brass & wood. a bugle’salarm. the revoltof trumpets scaling walls.the dust floats like particlesof a new light &this is the second be-ginning. once, we played alonebut the spell wasn’t enough.come, let us play, comelord, come, wreck
Jericho Hymnal
Feature Date
- March 4, 2022
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Copyright © 2021 by O-Jeremiah Agbaakin.
All rights reserved.
Reproduced by Poetry Daily with permission.

O-Jeremiah Agbaakin holds a law degree from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. He is the author of The Sign of the Ram (APBF/Akashic Books, 2022), selected by Kwame Dawes and Chris Abani for the New Generation African Chapbook Boxset Series. A recipient of the Tin House Scholarship, he placed finalist for the Grist Journal ProForma Contest, Chad Walsh Chapbook Series (Beloit), Black Warrior Review Contest, and the Sillerman First Book Prize for African Poets. His poems are recently published in Beloit Poetry Journal, Guernica, Kenyon Review, Pleiades, Poet Lore, Poetry Northwest, RATTLE, West Branch and elsewhere. A former editor & reader for Africa in Dialogue, PANK,, and Jalada Africa he resides in Oxford, MS where he’s studying for his MFA at the University of Mississippi.
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