King Krule & Mexican Street Sounds & Medicine Tea

Aaron El Sabrout

Leaves barely shivering in the thickening stillness,just to show that they’re alive & they drink too.The tree with the knobbly spiked flower dickdoesn’t question its embodiment–it just bodies.It is just a body. What if my body was just a body?A motorcycle revving in the alleyway/a masculinity built on gasoline.Who does gender serve?Not me, on the toilet at 4 AMin the blue moonlight. Not a bodywracked with sweat shivers, notthe chub rub that welts slicklybetween sticky thighs.A hudhud cries midday, that danker morning,calls me back to dusty Maadi lunch-as-breakfastbisilla & bouftek & cucumber spears. “I was bornin seconds, do you feel me?” Somehow I cobblethis identity together in objects: this mug fromthe grand canyon, this bathrobe from Winners.But they fall apart, rotate in & out.I too rotate in & out of bodies, out of selves,first Pokémon t-shirt, sombrero & banana,now notebook & paint jeans & glasses,and then?On the beach the wannabe Maya headand the somewhere-maybe pyramidare still sand, sloughing into the sea.

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Picture of Aaron El Sabrout

Aaron El Sabrout is a transgender Egyptian writer, artist & activist currently living on unceded Stz’uminus territory (“BC, Canada”). He is a 2020 Obsidian Foundation Fellow

"These are poems that do not compromise."
—Keenan Smith, Hyperallergic

"Groundbreaking and urgent, this collection features poems that investigate, interrogate and innovate trans relationships, embodiments, ecologies, emotions and expressions. It shines a much-needed light on the power of poetics in care, understanding and resistance."
—Karla Strand, Ms. Mag

"This anthology imagines poetry as a resource by which the community might stand 'against capital and empire,' using language to reimagine collective struggle."
Publishers Weekly

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