Primitive angiosperm, genusprior even to bees,autumn’s also my tongue,gossamer-threaded spindleof ovarian fire set amidst leatherytepals. How survive eonsof earth’s glacial mow, torrid grist,thus exposed? Follicled fist,carpeled blason seed-clits cajoledtoward split & go, O, Magnol,French botanist, more than the cake-like petal flesh of summer, so redol, so thickit whets, these swollen spearsmake me mourn the life I’ll leave.
Magnolia Cone
Lisa Russ Spaar
Feature Date
- February 25, 2022
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“Magnolia Cone” from MADRIGALIA: NEW AND SELECTED POEMS: by Lisa Russ Spaar.
Published by Persea Books on November 16, 2021.
Copyright © by Lisa Russ Spaar 2021.
All rights reserved.
Reproduced by Poetry Daily with permission.

Lisa Russ Spaar is the author/editor of over ten books of poetry and criticism, most recently Madrigalia: New & Selected Poems (Persea, 2021) and a forthcoming debut novel, Paradise Close (Persea Books, 2022). Her honors include a Rona Jaffe Award, a Guggenheim Fellowship, the Library of Virginia Prize for Poetry, the Carole Weinstein Poetry Prize, and a Pushcart Prize. She is a professor of English at the University of Virginia, where she for many years directed the Creative Writing Program.

New York, New York
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