
Susan Mackervoy

I take my material on a course.It’s rubbish. The teacher, though, is kind, goescarefully. (Raw beginner: better, perhaps,to handle beginner’s themes.) Yes, I cansee, even then half-know, how grandiose,inept — (he doesn’t say this; respectful,positive, he talks about craft. His kindnesshad, still has, a long reverberation).I walk out from the tutorial. Thereare rooms with people reading, conversations.Mountainside, glimpsed through a window. I feelancient, the oldest one here. Like someonewho went through a lifetime stupidly askewand starts again now. This is a knife, a fork.

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Susan Mackervoy is a writer and translator based in Hertfordshire. She has also worked as a visual artist, making prints, paintings and artist’s books.



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