Two Poems

William Letford

While everyone was in the hut I wandered out into the night. A full moon. The more you know about the universe, the smaller you feel. But the moon somehow seems closer now. Solid and steady. The fact that it’s barren is a comfort.



Heard a noise from the forest
and dropped into a crouch
Imagined an empathy zombie
Slevering kindness
somewhere in the dark
Felt fear like the point of a knife
every sense straining to its tiptoes
A trickle of conversation
bubbling from the hut
Moisture on the moss below me
the smell of the log burner
the smell of the fish that
had been cooked and cut
my pupils expanding
labouring against the night
and that was it
Nothing else happened
All I had done was crouch
get back to my feet
and come to the conclusion
that the cold company
of your own mortality
doesn’t half light you up

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Billy Letford published his first collection of poetry while working as a roofer. Since then, his work has been adapted into film, projected onto buildings, carved into monuments, adapted for the stage, written onto skin, cast out over the radio, and performed by orchestras. He has helped restore a Medieval village in the mountains of Northern Italy, taught English in Japan, fished with his bare hands in Indonesia, and been invited to perform in Iraq, South Korea, Lebanon, Australia, Germany, India, Poland, and many more countries.

'This is a spellbinder of a book: a fantastical, visionary dystopian Scottish soap opera in which poetry and prose are fused and old human ways collide with frighteningly uncharted artificial intelligence. A leavening wit keeps the fire smouldering throughout. Letford is an inexplicably underrated poet given his exceptional gift.'
Kate Kellaway, The Guardian


'[From Our Own Fire] is a much more inventive and frightening book for all that it foreshadows. It could have been overdramatic, but in Letford's hands it is done with poignancy, humour, and beauty.'
Peter Raynard, Everybody's Reviewing

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