Neko Redux

Elizabeth Bradfield
A gift. This. Unfair to claim & there were others and yet this gift: a minke exhales, unseen but heard. Spot its dorsal sharp among ice, in calm-silk water. Then along and under (under) my boat, eye skyward. Sea-warbled but clear. Open. Met. Calm Water. Flank gold with diatoms. Still. Chunks of ice. Enough time enough weather enough whale enough boats for all on ship to muster, seek, find and not crowd. To drift as it circles, approaches, finds us approachable, re-approached. All balance, all sense calibrated.


stretched on low ice
ignored in near distance
a leopard seal yawns


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Cotton Coulson

Writer/naturalist Elizabeth Bradfield is the author of the Once Removed, Approaching Ice, Interpretive Work and Toward Antarctica which combines her photographs with brief, hybrid essays. Theorem, a collaboration with artist Antonia Contro, is forthcoming this fall. Her work has been published in The New Yorker, Kenyon Review, and her honors include the Audre Lorde Prize and a Stegner FellowshipFounder and editor-in-chief of Broadsided Press, she works as a naturalist/guide and teaches creative writing at Brandeis University.

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Poet-naturalist Elizabeth Bradfield's fourth collection, Toward Antarctica, documents and queries her work as a guide on ships in Antarctica, offering an incisive insider's vision that challenges traditional tropes of The Last Continent. Inspired by haibun, a stylistic form of Japanese poetry invented by 17th-century poet, Matsuo Bashō to chronicle his journeys in remote Japan, Bradfield uses photographs, compressed prose, and short poems to examine our relationship to remoteness, discovery, expertise, awe, labor, temporary societies, "pure" landscapes, and tourism's service economy. Antarctica was the focus of Bradfield's Approaching Ice, written before she had set foot on the continent; now Toward Antarctica furthers her investigation with boots on the ground. A complicated love letter, Toward Antarctica offers a unique view of one of the world's most iconic wild places.

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