Notes From a Bottle Found on the Beach at Carmel (excerpt)

Evan S. Connell

On the linen wrappings of certain mummified remainsfound near the Etrurian coast are invaluable writingsthat await translation.Quem colorem habet sapientia?Ordinary men fulfill themselvesin the company of their fellows.I am told of a peasant who, one morning when mistslay across his field,picked up a feather that had dropped fromthe great horse, Pegasus; who placed the featherin his cap and abandoned the worldfor a dream.I have heard that when the wild geese move in their seasona strange tide is raised; and long after they have gonethe fowl of the barnyard leap up frantically into the airwith shrill, desperate cries—their nut-like headsstuffed and disordered with vestigial recollectionsurging them from domestic felicity toward unrememberedchasms in the presence of another, bolder skein.Nothing existed before me; nothing will exist after me.Myth, art, and dreams are but emanationsfrom ancestral spheres.Karma, which is the wheel of fate,is indestructible. A new world shall be bornthat it may continue to fulfill its endless process.We are to regard the world as an empty trifle,so said Buddha; then alonewill it yield happiness, enabling us to live blissfullythroughout life’s vicissitudes.Let us become Yasoda, the soul of woman, which calls outto Lord Krishna in the fullness of her love, and seesin him the universe.As thou to me,so I to thee.

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Evan S. Connell, long recognized as one of the most important contemporary voices in American letters, is the author of seventeen books, including Mr. Bridge, Deus Lo Volt!, the best-selling Son of the Morning Star, and most recently, Lost in Uttar Pradesh. He was nominated for the Man Booker International Prize for lifetime achievement in 2009.

"A unique tour de force."
The New York Times Book Review

"One of the most remarkable books that I have read in a long time."
—Kenneth Rexroth

"Mr. Connell's NOTES are what one intelligent, sensitive artist has been able to salvage from all experience as testimony to the rather pathetic integrity of the human species in the face of extinction. The book is no manual or tract, however, although its political meaning is unmistakable, but a work of art, even a work of high art."
—Hayden Carruth

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