Old Bed

Ha Jaeyoun
Translated from the Korean

Hanging on my sides there might be fig seeds somebody spat out 
millions of years ago, fine strands of dust cover me like a hand-woven 
blanket, for a while now when
I try to remember the breathing of the 
land above that’s passed me by and the bright light shining down, my 
sides hurt 

I’m not trying to say I’ve existed so long I can’t remember the quiet 
noon, the work of keeping the body open in cracks of time, dead skin 
flakes landing from the sky open with long travel day and night, the 
ceiling grows remote 

Blue dust, fine-grained fungus, my good soil, the leaves and stems of the 
figs inside me reach infinitely into phone lines, across the universe, and 
at some noontime, they will lightly stroke a prone woman’s eyelashes. 
All the while I dream of that brilliant touch of the hand, all the while 
nobody visits me

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Headshot of Ha Jaeyoun

Ha Jaeyoun was born in 1975 in South Korea, and she received her bachelor’s and doctorate degrees in Korean literature from Koryo University. In addition to Radio Days, originally published in 2006, she has published two other poetry collections in Korean as well as many scholarly works on modern Korean poetry. She has previously been translated into English by Jake Levine in the collection Poems of Hwang Yuwon, Ha Jaeyoun, & Seo Dae-kyung

Headshot of Sue Lyon Bae

Sue Hyon Bae received her MFA from Arizona State University, where she is currently a PhD candidate in the Comparative Culture and Languages program researching contemporary South Korean cancer narratives. She is the author of a collection of poetry, Truce Country (Eyewear Publishing, 2019), and co-translator of Kim Hyesoon’s A Drink of Red Mirror (Action Books, 2019). She is the recipient of LTI translation grants for Ha Jaeyoun’s Radio Days (Black Ocean Press, 2023), and Choi Jeongrye’s Lightmesh (forthcoming). Her work has appeared in the Telegraph, Asymptote, Gulf Coast, and elsewhere.

“Don’t be fooled by the crisp, clear, and deceptively straightforward language of Sue Hyon Bae’s extraordinary translation of Ha Jaeyoun’s Radio Days. As you read, you will discover that the ambitious philosophical questions these poems ask only seem to multiply. At turns surreal and disconcertingly quotidian, these poems quietly destabilize our beliefs about language, perception, and the self. This volume is as elegant and understated as it is conceptually groundbreaking.”
— Kristina Marie Darling

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