colors and thread
unraveled from the weave
I heard steps
leading away from me
I stood alone
among everything ravaged and bare
once the tree
was in bloom
once the branches glimmered
I prayed
to the seeds inside me
I prayed the tree would bloom again
I saw the future
a face that had run dry
a doomed river everyone drank from
I saw all humankind stare
I saw men and women
caress the executioner inside them
I saw that we had lost this planet
once the tree
was in bloom
once the presence of
a hungry winter night was strong enough
for you to
put out pieces of bread
along your windowsill
once you were alive
and carried a name
once you nursed the seeds inside you
the seeds of a tree
and moon leaves fell
star leaves drifted down in your body
To celebrate National Poetry Month and in appreciation of the many cancelled book launches and tours, we are happy to present an April Celebration: 30 Presses/30 Poets (#ArmchairBookFair). Please join us every day for new poetry from the presses that sustain us.