Pasty in Ontonagon that faces away from Keweenaw Peninsula nearby, will skip

Moheb Soliman

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Photo of Moheb Soliman
Tulsa Artist Fellowship

Moheb Soliman is an interdisciplinary poet from Egypt and the Midwest who’s presented work at diverse art and public spaces in the US and Canada with support from numerous foundations and institutions. His first book of poems, HOMES (Coffee House Press, 2021), is part contemporary nature poetry, part immigrant travelogue, exploring themes of nature, modernity, identity, belonging, and sublimity through the vast site of the Great Lakes region. He lives in Minneapolis, MN, where he was program director for the Arab American lit and film organization Mizna before embarking on a multi-year Tulsa Artist Fellowship.

"In a time of environmental catastrophe and colonial destruction, Soliman's sly and shifting poems suggest that moving between various homes makes more sense than trying to construct a static place of complete belongingness."
—Elizabeth Hoover, Star Tribune

"Soliman’s wild, expansive leaping—geographic and psychic—is worth the price of admission alone; the rush of it, the verve. But ultimately what excites me most about this collection is its affirmation that for some of us, there is only one place, one home: the one inside our own mind."
—Kaveh Akbar

"HOMES is a meditation on, and a prayer for, the natural world through the body of the Great Lakes. With remarkable infiltrative urban imagination, Moheb Soliman is the echo of what can’t be unseen: the domineering, wild life of humans over wildlife."
—Fady Joudah

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