political poem

Franci Zagoričnik

 Franci Zagoričnik's "political poem"

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Photo of Franci Zagoričnik
Tihomir Pinter

Franci Zagoričnik (1933 – 1997) was active in organizing and disseminating concrete and visual poetry production in Yugoslavia in the seventies. Through his platform Westeast, he published journals, organized conferences, curated exhibitions dedicated to the democratisation of experimental writing in Yugoslavia.

Cover of OEI Magazine Issue 90-91

#90-91: Sickle of Syntax & Hammer of Tautology. Concrete and Visual Poetry in Yugoslavia, 1968–1983

Stockholm, Sweden

Jonas Magnusson

Editor and Image Editor
Cecilia Grönberg

OEI is a Stockholm based magazine for extra-disciplinary spaces and de-disciplinizing moments – experimental forms of thinking, montages between poetry, art, philosophy, film, and documents; critical investigations, editorial enunciations, aesthetic technologies, non-affirmative writing, speculative archaeologies, new ecologies and counter-historiographies.

OEI magazine was founded in 1999 and has published 89 issues. The publishing structure OEI editör was started in 2002 and has published some 100 books of investigative poetry, aesthetic documents, bookworks, theoretical and poetological texts etc.

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