Prevailing Westerlies

Michael McLane

The problem with trees is obscurity. You cannot see the future lumbering through the night towards you until it is already on the roof. So we cut them down and distribute them evenly among us so there can be no blame. And we are many and cold, and the trees are legion. One among us has learned to play music on a saw. Low and trembling, it is the song of victory.

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Michael McLane is the author of the chapbook Trace Elements (Elik Press) and his work has appeared in nwnerous journals and anthologies in the US, UK, and New Zealand. He is an editor with both Sugar House Review and Dark Mountain and is the co-founder of saltfront: studies in human habit(at). He currently resides in New Zealand, where he is pursuing a PhD at Victoria University of Wellington.

Co-winner of the 2021 Midwest Chapbook Contest.

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