When the doctor said to your mother,She walked out of the clockI painted three scenes:First, your breath went anti-clockwise: the hourhand walking backwards until it was swallowed by time.Second, you crossed out of time with the minute handstuck between your teeth — night had slipped into your mouth.Third, you drained your mother’s chest and pouredyourself into it; swinging back and forth begging for gravity.Pain, too, is a child.
Zaynab Bobi
Feature Date
- December 29, 2023
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“Revelation” first appeared in The Drift.
Copyright © 2023 by Zaynab Bobi.
All rights reserved.
Reproduced by Poetry Daily with permission.

Zaynab Iliyasu Bobi, Frontier I, is a Nigerian-Hausa poet, digital artist, and photographer from Bobi who is currently an undergraduate student of Medical Laboratory Science at Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. She is the author of the forthcoming chapbook, Sixteen Songs of Loss, selected as a finalist by Rita Mookerjee (Sundress Publications Chapbook Competition, 2023), winner of the inaugural Akachi Chukwuemeka Prize for Literature 2023, and Gimba Suleiman Hassan Gimba ESQ Poetry Prize, 2022. She is a Pushcart and Best of The Net Nominee with works published or forthcoming in Strange Horizons, FIYAH Literary Magazine, The Drift, Uncanny Magazine, Fantasy Magazine, Tantabara Magazine, Agbowó, The Deadlands, Arc Poetry Magazine, Ake Review, Native Skin, Lucent Dreaming, 20.35 Africa, Trampset, and elsewhere. She tweets at @ZainabBobi.

Issue 10: Summer 2023
New York City, New York
Kiara Barrow
Rebecca Panovka
Founded in June 2020, The Drift aims to introduce new work and new ideas by young writers who haven’t yet been absorbed into the media hivemind and don’t feel hemmed in by the boundaries of the existing discourse. Our issues, published three times a year, feature longform essays and cultural criticism, short fiction, poetry, interviews, dispatches, and extremely abbreviated reviews.
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