Same old story

Jean Follain
Translated from the French

A crow spends the nighton a columnthe earthbedecks itself in primrosessomeone delicately breaksthe shell of an eggwithout even thinking of death.It all comes to the same thinga woman hears herself say in a dreamher head on the hem of the sheet.

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Jean Follain (1903–1971) was born in Canisy, in Normandy. His first book of poems is La Main chaude (1933). He published eight subsequent volumes of poetry, as well as prose work.

Poet and novelist Ciaran Carson was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland, in 1948. His collections of poetry include The Irish for No (1987), winner of the Alice Hunt Bartlett Award; Belfast Confetti (1990), which won the Irish Times Irish Literature Prize for Poetry; and First Language (1993), winner of the T. S. Eliot Prize. His prose includes The Star Factory (1997) and Fishing for Amber (1999).

Poetry London

Summer 2018


Poetry Editor
André Naffis-Sahely

Reviews Editor
Isabelle Baafi

Poetry London is an arts charity and leading international poetry magazine where acclaimed contemporary poets share pages with exciting new names. Published three times a year in February, May and September, each issue contains new poetry, incisive reviews and features. Poetry London holds an annual poetry competition and launches each issue with readings from distinguished poet contributors to the magazine.

“Its eclectic international editorial vision makes Poetry London one of the very few best, essential poetry magazines in English.”
—Stephen Berg, Editor, The American Poetry Review

Poetry London has long been essential reading. Try imagining contemporary poetry without it.”
—Sean O’Brien

Poetry London spreads its net wide to include the latest from Europe, American and other parts of the world, as well as from the islands of Britain and Ireland: work by new poets and established ones. The reviews are intelligent and articulate. The design is simple and accessible. In other words, it’s one of the best poetry magazines around.”
—Ciaran Carson

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