1.Lost cities function as decision.
A kerosene lamp fades.
Detach the shingle and enter via roller door to Sculpture By Appointment
as you become the city’s concreted fountains,
the crest’s gules, the arcade’s message,
tarred peripherals bleached with gallowed sun.
World’s greatest quibbler, carving a match,
carries the Twelve Conclusions of the Lollards to a ti-tree
in the hoodwinking and aftermath’s spool of forget-me-not memes.
Refutations lined up like the burning saints.
Now chefs and murderers are pocket neon
as lights bludge on February’s chopstick waves and creepy perennials
along the merch of time. Wrap your swag in road’s missal ribbon.
Birds poised on an electric grid.
2.Nostalgia’s contraindications are proof of existence
blowing a dragnet through space,
unlatched from a machine’s lullaby dictionary.
Why go anywhere? machines yell at you all day,
each membrane open to comment
under the fried clouds,
says Assiduous of the Airwaves.
The questioners drip for anointment
as conviction politicians baa and clump
for a screen’s forgetting tablet or central heating.
Leave for a chariot of skulls instead,
the cod-Latin of a forthwith heart,
over the artesian lake preparing a skyline
that you build too, separately.
Spiritual Exercises
Feature Date
- September 24, 2018
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Copyright © 2018 by Gig Ryan
All rights reserved.
Reproduced by Poetry Daily with permission
September / October 2018
Sydney, Australia
Managing Editors: Kate Lilley, Ann Vickery, Philip Mead, John Tranter
The Journal of Poetics Research is an international, generally peer-reviewed, online journal of research in a wide range of disciplines concerned with the theory and practice of literary discourse in culture, media and the arts broadly conceived, including poetry, prose, journalism, drama, cinema, radio and television, as well as with literary, historical, social, institutional and psychological modes of narrative, theory and contention.
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