Sundial Tone

Garrett Caples

After Alfred Starr Hamilton

light plays on the planetlong enough to tell timethe bird tells time by the sundialthe sundial by the birdtime will tell the bird a talethe sundial’s never hearda tale as long as the riverbankfrom here to the hydroelectric plantman-o-man, the bird will thinkas it sails above the riverthe plant is not a plantthe bank is not a bankthe bird alights on a branchof the river, the bank, a treethe bird leaves the tree leavesbehind on the stageof the play it pages through 

After Alfred Starr Hamilton

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Photo of Garrett Caples

Garrett Caples is the author of Proses: Incomparable Parables! Fabulous Fables! Cruel Tales! (Wave Books, 2024), Lovers of Today (Wave Books, 2021), Power Ballads (Wave Books, 2016), Complications (2007), and The Garrett Caples Reader (1999), a collection of outtakes, The Rise & Fall of Johnny Volume (2020), and a bilingual selection, Noches Apátridas (Unstated Nights, 2019). He’s also written a book of essays, Retrievals (2014), and a pamphlet, Quintessence of the Minor (2010). He’s the editor of Philip Lamantia’s Preserving Fire: Selected Prose (2018), Samuel Greenberg’s Poems from the Greenberg MSS (2019), and Michael McClure’s Mule Kick Blues and Last Poems (2021), as well as the co-editor of The Collected Poems of Philip Lamantia (2013), Particulars of Place (2015) by Richard O. Moore, Incidents of Travel in Poetry: New and Selected Poems (2016) by Frank Lima, and Arcana: A Stephen Jonas Reader (2019). He is an editor at City Lights Books, where he curates the Spotlight Poetry Series. He has a PhD in English from the University of California, Berkeley, and lives in San Francisco.

"Caples supplies us with a full aesthetic meal, with alarming images right out of the French Surrealists. He also means what he says; regardless of any implications to the contrary, Caples is writing out of emotion, even well-done sentiment."

— Max Winter

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