The 84th Anniversary of the Spanish Civil War

Simon Anton Niño Diego Baena

The night lingersin my hotel roomthe spilled winethe broken glassmore empty pages for meto fillwith the hornsummoning the dead of the republicback to Estremadurablood soakedlike a bullringI smell the stainsof the moonon the crumpled bed sheets

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Photo of Simon Anton Niño Diego Baena

Simon Anton Niño Diego Baena currently lives in the Philippines with his wife, Xandy. He is the author of the chapbook, The Magnum Opus Persists in the Evening (Jacar Press). His work has appeared in The Bitter Oleander, Osiris, Louisiana Literature, The American Journal of Poetry, The Adirondack Review, The Louisville Review, and the San Pedro River Review, among others.

Cover of The Bitter Oleander Spring 2021

Volume 27 No 1

Fayetteville, New York

Founder and Editor
Paul R. Roth

The Bitter Oleander is a biannually published journal of contemporary poetry and short fiction. Although it publishes mostly domestic poetry, its primary focus continues to be on poetry in translation with a particular concentration on the imaginative creation of language from a very individualized perception. It has had work represented in the Best American Poetry (1999) and recognized as Best Literary Journal (2005) through Public Radio’s "Excellence in Print" award.

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