I boarded the Blue Line at Aquarium station.The only empty seat was the one by that young,Head back, eyes closed, exhausted-looking fatherHolding his sleeping child in his folded arms.It was already suppertime, and the Evening Star,As Sappho sings, was calling all of the creaturesHome to their mother, through the rush-hour traffic.The subway was coming out of the tunnel’s mouthAnd I was sixty when I suddenly feltA tiny hand start pulling at my sleeve.In his sleep the child I never had was reachingOut for me, while the father I never becameKept his eyes shut. And all the way to my stopAt Orient Heights, nothing disturbed our dream.
The Evening Star
George Kalogeris
Feature Date
- May 19, 2022
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Copyright © 2022 by George Kalogeris.
All rights reserved.
Reproduced by Poetry Daily with permission.

George Kalogeris’s most recent book of poems is Winthropos, (Louisiana State University, 2021). He is also the author of Guide to Greece (LSU), a book of paired poems in translation, Dialogos, and poems based on the notebooks of Albert Camus, Camus: Carnets. His poems and translations have been anthologized in Joining Music with Reason, chosen by Christopher Ricks (Waywiser, 2010). He is the winner of the James Dickey Poetry Prize.

Cambridge, Massachusetts
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Harvard Review publishes new poetry, essays, fiction, drama, criticism, book reviews, and interviews. From its beginnings, the journal has been committed to showcasing the work of emerging writers alongside established voices—or, as we like to think of it, publishing writers who will be famous next to writers who already are.
Over the years we have published a number of important writers at an early stage of their careers, including Nam Le, Mary Ruefle, Jhumpa Lahiri, Carl Phillips, David Foster Wallace, and Miranda July. Some of the authors we debuted include Paul Harding, who won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 2010; Ben Shattuck, whose first published story was selected for PEN America’s Best Debut Short Stories in 2017; and Moira McCavana, whose debut story was published in the O. Henry Prize Stories Anthology in 2018.
Editorially, we are interested in literary technique and agnostic when it comes to subject matter. We take each piece on its merits and seek a diversity of voices. We look for evidence of control, polish, deliberateness, authority, and for work that strikes us as realizing its own ambitions, whatever those may be. Physically the magazine draws on the aesthetic of the 1960s Black Sparrow Press, foregrounding typography and employing only abstract elements. We print on a textured uncoated stock for a tactile feel and design our covers in thematically related pairs. Our cover designs, by Alex Camlin, have been repeatedly honored in PRINT magazine’s Regional Design Annual.
Contributors to Harvard Review are regularly selected for Best American Poetry, Best American Essays, Best American Short Stories, Best American Mystery Stories, Best American Science and Nature Writing, Best American Travel Writing, PEN America Best Debut Short Stories, The O. Henry Prize Stories, Best New Poets, and The Pushcart Prize Anthology.
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