The Future!

Brooke Ellsworth

I get intomy tunnelsoaked in the generalblessingof agingThe myth of energyis thatit’s benevolentThat I’m obviousis perhaps the onlygiftYou have totake care of yourselfa person on the train saysas they offer me their seathere in the presentBut what if the worktakes morethan it’s worthWhat iffor a momentwe stirredthat future

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Medium shot color photograph of Brooke Ellsworth reading her work

Brooke Ellsworth is the author of Serenade (Octopus Books, 2017). She lives in Poughkeepsie, NY.

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Octopus Books

Zachary Schomburg

OCTO publishes 8 poets at a time, 1 poem from each poet, 64 words (or less) in each poem.

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