[To the queer silence…]

Sarah J. Sloat

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Sarah J. Sloat grew up in New Jersey but has lived for decades in Europe, where she works in news. Her book of visual poetry, Hotel Almighty, was published by Sarabande Books in September 2020.

Visually arresting and utterly one-of-a-kind, Sarah J. Sloat's Hotel Almighty is a book-length erasure of pages from Misery by Stephen King, a reimagining of the novel's themes of constraint and possibility in elliptical, enigmatic poems. Here, "joy would crawl over broken glass, if that was the way." Here, sleep is“a circle whose diameter might be small," a circle "pitifully small," a "wrecked and empty hypothetical circle." Paired with Sloat's stunning mixed-media collage, each poem is a miniature canvas, a brief associative profile of the psyche—its foibles, obsessions, and delights.

“Absolutely marvelous.”
—Mary Ruefle

"This book of erasure poems uses Stephen King’s 'Misery' as its source text, highlighting themes of captivity and imagination. Sloat reproduces the original pages she used, adorned with fanciful collages on the erased sections."
—"New and Noteworthy Poetry, from the Ancient Greeks to Billy Collins,” The New York Times Book Review

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