Today Is Looking for the ‘Right Moment’

grace (ge) gilbert

for awhile i made coming out my worldmy freshly-wet solsticerowing through the bluehomily of a life i felt these bonesan unencumbereddirgeThen after the frozenLake gave wayto lightshow the gaudybeveled christmas steepedin Rainbowsmy mother saysYou justdon’t want thatfor your child.on the radio are somany BeeGee’s songsabout foolsand they all lastforeverin our silence.I want to rip it out of me,my mortal coil,one of the manylasting architecturesof God,that ashen highwaycul-de-sacof guilt.I imagine the life I’d lead thereas a coward.Swansa beach housea child in the lawn.I see the wisteriaour Crystal champagneFlutes my momso proudinspecting them.the sign says Hereis the loveyou might wantfor your child.So mild,wide.An aggregate Mythwith petals.

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grace (ge) gilbert is a hybrid poet, essayist, and collage worker based in Brooklyn. they received their MFA in poetry from the University of Pittsburgh in 2022. they are the author of the closeted diaries, an essay chapbook (Porkbelly Press 2022), NOTIFICATIONS IN THE DARK, a poetry chapbook (Antenna Books 2023), and, most recently, today is an unholy suite (Barrelhouse 2023). they were the MCLA Under 27 Writer-in-Residence Fellow at Mass MoCA. their work can be found in the Indiana Review, Ninth Letter, Passages North, the Offing, the Adroit Journal, Hayden’s Ferry Review, Diode, TYPO, ANMLY, and elsewhere. they currently teach a hybrid collage and poetics course at the Minnesota Center for Book Arts and are passionate about making the hybrid arts accessible to all. find more at


Established in 2003, Typo Magazine is an online poetry journal.

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