T’s Law

Adam Fagin
If among the waxwing’s flight, I describe unbroken light, I describe water among the sleep of birds. A wingbeat governing swift fluidities of form. Dear precious, dear dearest: Here I seize on a sea a pure white vessel’s breaking. Over many days mistaken for a cloud, a man’s eye creeps up the branches, eats the gray buds. He thinks of white as his sun at night. Has he ever thought his impressions are born? Pouring his confinement through a moon’s milk stare, first daylight drains this strange bird: attention residing in a nexus of recurrence. Old ideas that cause the mind to live among bright objects—but only as a means of concealment. Each glance is a distance I simulate. When I require a political economy, I look directly at the sun. Sucked through September’s pulse, a solar hinge no hand can touch, sound ascends daylight. The eye is made aware. The boundary is birdsong filled with ghostly listening. Or the color of the sea approaching the clairvoyance of the artist’s attention. Weaving his periscope from the dark of inquiry, it is made vessel by faintly visible seashore. A painter is the world conscious that light belongs there. Reductio ad absurdum. Until a parallel ear forgets. A duplicate canvas engulfs silhouette with particle fire. Here a moment of sculpture tears off its crisscross veil. Monadnock, my mountain home: These rocks are thresholds that multiply Praxiteles. Where dewdrops further elucidate the majority of tulips, root outweighs flower head, twilight, Promethea Sphinx. In the absolute detail it descends, a leaf’s inverted vernacular. Out of which one ruptured katydid proceeds, eternally convex, transverse, beneath a breath of moonshine and meadow grass, a shadow’s arrowy vehemence.

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Adam Fagin is the author of Furthest Ecology (Center for Literary Publishing at Colorado State University 2019). He received his Ph.D. in Creative Writing and English Literature from the University of Denver and runs Red Bird Writers Studio in Salt Lake City.  

“Adam Fagin’s gloriously capacious and irreverently intelligent first book is the prosodic record of an archival investigation into the work of Abbott Thayer, a late nineteenth-century American painter and naturalist. Tender, dry, funny, detailed instruments, his poems serially enlarge a perceptual field that risks the caesura of inwardness as one expression of politics. This debut quietly places Fagin among antecedents such as Susan Howe, Paul Celan, Etel Adnan—poets who, by situating the lyric query in philosophical necessity, open new descriptions of the ways history speaks in and to the present.”
—Lisa Robertson

"To read Furthest Ecology is to be given the opportunity to immerse ourselves in a work that can offer immediate value to all of us who realize we are always choosing, in our own lives, what insights we will allow ourselves to see, even if those insights may shake or even shatter the foundations of our fixed identities.”
—Rusty Morrison

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