
Edgar Kunz

I pull the last radishes,then bed the boxes downwith hay. This is the seasonof distances: weak lightin the lilacs, muffled bassin the idling Accord.My father a plaque that risesbarely above the grass.That last time strangelyavailable: vinyl booth, castanetsfrom a jukebox we couldn’t seeand the pale undersideof his wrist flashing …Cleaning out his place,I found a watchin his underwear drawer,chipped bezel, leather bandworn thin. It belongedto his father. Once, as a kid,I watched him press the coolback of it to his ear, thenhis cheek, I didn’t understand.I bend and gather upthe bolted kale. My old Trekclutters the doorway, grayflecked with gold. Another loopI’m caught in: sufferingand calibration. The punishingmiles, then the hours adjustingthe neatly clicking gears.

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Edgar Kunz is the author of Fixer (Ecco, 2023) and Tap Out (Ecco, 2019). He has been an NEA Fellow, a MacDowell Fellow, and a Wallace Stegner Fellow at Stanford. New poems appear in The New Yorker, The Atlantic, and Poetry. He lives in Baltimore and teaches at Goucher College.

"It is difficult to describe Edgar Kunz’s Fixer without engaging in the superlatives that the book’s own ethos would defy, without swarming the page with adjectives that seem to oppose each other, but somehow, in Fixer, do not. Elegant, raw. Romantic, deadpan cynical. Lushly erotic and spare. Informal in diction but perfectly artful in structure and craft. Fixer is a book of work. Of the ludicrous jobs we do to stay almost-afloat. Glass cutter. Gas station model. Dip taster. The addictive, Sisyphean work of hunting for work, enacted in clean syntax that cuts to the chase and the bone. The weird labor of loss. Even of gain. I find myself bonded to the unheroic hero of these poems, whose world and character are as sustained and convincing as the protagonist’s in a novel I can’t shake. I know these feelings—of failing oneself, failing and being failed by others, losing a parent who was already lost, and sustaining oneself via desire, and even love. Maybe it fails the book to call it a masterpiece, but it’s all I’ve got."
— Diane Seuss, author of frank: sonnets

"Edgar Kunz is the real deal. Hard-nosed, hard-edged, and hard on his craft, he first caught us slipping with Tap Out–and now, before we could fully recover, he’s followed up with the haymaker that is Fixer. Story, lyric, tight rhythms and taut lines. Intellect, heart. It’s all here. Fans of Philip Levine, Denis Johnson, or Dorianne Laux will find in these poems reason to smile—even through tears—knowing that the tradition of the working class American lyric is in strong hands. This book is a god damned knock out."
— John Murillo, author of Kontemporary Amerikan Poetry and Up Jump the Boogie

"I am deeply moved by Edgar Kunz’s second collection, Fixer. Entirely surprising, the poems move from rumination to revelation, from devastation to determination, in effusive and masterful strokes. Fixer is a gospel of American truths, weighted by complex circumstances and freed by the imagination. A remarkable book by a poet who continues to shine with tender and lyrical precision."
— Tina Chang, author of Hybrida

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