Once, as a baby, I slept in a laundry basket through a tornado. Noone will let me sleep now. Each of my hands is a townunderwater. My lovers canoe down the streets of my heart, morethan the groceries they have to steal. We’ll call this barrenwhen it’s over and the drought hits. I am not more thanmy body. We weave our nation into pillowcases, and ourheads collapse into soft down. I’m asked about my town;I should’ve known how difficult it would be to say noto going home. Fields, trees. America brands itself a havenby destroying everywhere else. Foxes think they’re saferin the ground until the asphalt hardens. I am not better thanmy country. The heat index rises as we melt thecage they built around the world; the world takes onelook at freedom and does something unexpected. When theycall, they tell me to stitch together everything they toreapart. The telephone weeps in its cradle after I put it down.
We Melt the Cage They Built Around the World
Feature Date
- August 31, 2022
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“We Melt the Cage They Build Around the World” from THE WALL WHERE YOU LEAVE ME (INCH #51): by Martina Litty.
Published by Bull City Press in Summer 2022.
Copyright © 2022 by Martina Litty.
All rights reserved.
Reproduced by Poetry Daily with permission.

Martina Litty is a poet from Laurinburg, North Carolina. She graduated in May 2021 from the University of North Carolina Wilmington (UNCW) with a BFA in creative writing, a Certificate in Professional Writing, and a Certificate in Publishing. She also attended the International Writing Program (IWP) Summer Institute ’19 in Iowa City. Litty was the poetry editor of UNCW’s Atlantis magazine for issues 83–86 and she has guest edited for Grimsy magazine. The Wall Where You Leave Me (Inch #51) is her first publication.
The Wall Where You Leave Me from North Carolinian poet Martina Litty is a collection of compact, breathless poems that ask: what does it mean, that we are meant to live alone? What does it mean, that to accept love means to invite grief? Poems range from ekphrastic pieces to golden shovels and ghazals, as the speaker navigates her Southern pastoral surroundings while grappling with sexuality, loneliness, risk, loss, and love.
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