I’m not my muscle man, I keep spinningthe creation of spinningthe product of spinningthe byproduct of spinningravels along the paved tributary pathI skate to skim off my estrogenin the wet summer where everything is edgingforward I flicker along the streamwhich for most of the year is flood or freeze.the river, the rocks banking the river,the rocks loved up on by the river,are sharp and naked and newas new as rocks can be and actualand ugly in their unnature. too far downslope to touch. far from the real hawkminding her own. the late x transforms to earlyy. I am building corporeal.my sweat stings, my eye says so.a long coming cloud. the late day transformsto early night. I pick up my pulse.the dam churns the rapids out.I’m downstream heading up.
[[wobble twilight, river landing
Feature Date
- October 10, 2021
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Copyright © 2021 by TR Brady.
All rights reserved.
Reproduced by Poetry Daily with permission.

TR Brady is a poet and fiber artist based in Iowa City. TR’s work has appeared or is forthcoming in Bennington Review, Diagram, Quarterly West, and Copper Nickel. TR holds an MFA from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and is the co-founder/co-editor of Afternoon Visitor, a new journal of poetry and hybrid text. https://trbradypoet.com/

Issue 33
Bronxville, New York
Founding Editor & Editor-in-Chief
Sebastián Hasani Páramo
Poetry Editor
Shannon Elizabeth Hardwick
Associate Poetry Editor
Megan J. Arlett
Assistant Poetry Editor
Dolapo Demuren
The Boiler began in 2011 by a group of writers at Sarah Lawrence College. We are an online quarterly that publishes fresh and lively works of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction from emerging and established authors. We like work that turns up the heat, whistles, and stands up to pressure.
Since our inception, we have published diverse voices. We are dedicated to normalizing the elevation and amplification of underrepresented voices and are always seeking to do better under pressure. We actively welcome submissions that dismantle the power structures of white supremacy.
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